Mission of
Makhdoom Mahmood
Mastwaar Qalandar
All praise is due to Allah Almighty, who generously bestows His blessings beyond our estimates. And abundant blessings and peace be upon the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who showers mercy beyond our estimates.
Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar thought that in this time of conflict when there is darkness of sectarianism everywhere, and the hearts are filled with misguided beliefs, and vanity is celebrated.
If someone is worldly, they do not work with sincerity in any field of the world. If someone claims knowledge, they lack action. If someone claims spirituality, they are deviated from the path. If someone claims to serve humanity, they do not even understand the pain.
The aim, whether it is related to the world, religion, or spirituality, is lost in confusion and has lost its original purpose. The era of sectarianism is widespread, and in this way, the enemies of Islam are succeeding in their wicked intentions. Through sectarianism, all Muslims who are brothers to each other are being separated.
News and Updates
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Quote of the Day

بِسْمِ اللّٰہ ِالرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمْ صَلَّی اللّٰہُ عَلٰٰی حَبِیْبِہٖ ُمحَمَّدٍ وَّٓاٰ لِہٖ وََسَلَّم ْ
.مقام قرب کے حصول کے لئے عبادت و زہد کے ساتھ نفس کی مار ضروری ہے
مخدوم محمود مستوار قلندر
بِسْمِ اللّٰہ ِالرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمْ صَلَّی اللّٰہُ عَلٰٰی حَبِیْبِہٖ ُمحَمَّدٍ وَّٓاٰ لِہٖ وََسَلَّم ْ
شان اہل بیت حدیث کی روشنی میں
حضرت زید بن ارقم بیان کرتے ہیں کہ حضور سرور کائنات صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم فریضہ حج سے فارغ ہو کر مقام غدیر پر تشریف فرمائے اور فرمایا: میں تم میں بے مثل عمده میں چیزیں چھوڑے جانتا ہوں ایک اللہ تعالی کی کتاب قرآن جو نور ہد ایت سے بھر پور ہے اس کو بہت مضبو علی
سے پکڑے رہنا۔ دوسرے گرانقدر اور بزرگ چیز میرے اہل بیت ہیں میں تم کو خدا یاد دلاتا ہوں اپنے اہل بیت کے معاملہ میں۔ میں تم کو خد ایاد دلاتا ہوں اپنے اہل بیت کے معاملہ میں اور یوں ہی تین بار اس کا تکرار فرمایا۔
(مسلم شریعت،ج:۲،ص:۲۷۹)

بِسْمِ اللّٰہ ِالرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمْ صَلَّی اللّٰہُ عَلٰٰی حَبِیْبِہٖ ُمحَمَّدٍ وَّٓاٰ لِہٖ وََسَلَّم ْ یہ حدیث قدسی بخاری شریف کی ہے جوقرآن مجید کے بعد سب سے مستند کتاب ہے ۔حدیث قدسی وہ فرمان خداوندی ہوتاہے جو حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اپنی زبان مبارک سے صحابہ ؓ کوبتاتے ہیں ۔ اس حدیث مبارکہ میں اللہ پاک فرماتا ہے کہ جب بندہ اللہ کا ذکر کثرت سے کرتاہے درود شریف کثرت سے پڑھتا ہے اور دیگر تمام نفلی عبادات کا اہتمام کرتا ہے۔ ہر لمحہ مالکِ حقیقی کی محبت میں محو ہو کر اُس کو یاد کرتا رہتا ہے ۔سب کام بھلائی کے کرتا ہے لوگوں کو اچھا درس دیتاہے ۔اُن کا تعلق رب سے جوڑنے کی خاطر دن رات کوشاں رہتا ہے۔گویا بندئہ خدا کاجب ہرعمل اللہ کے لئے ہوجاتاہے ۔تواُس وقت رب تعالی ٰفرماتاہے کہ میں اُس سے محبت کرنے لگتاہوں اورجب اللہ پاک محبت کرتاہے تواِس محبت میں اُس پر عطائوں کی بارش ہوتی ہے۔کہ ایسے بندوں کے وہ کان بن جاتاہے جن سے وہ سنتاہے۔ تصنیف: مخدوم محمود مستوار قلندر کتاب: مکین دل
Articles, Videos and Lectures
- August 8, 2022
Gham e Hussain A.S.|Bayan|Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar
Gham e Hussain A.S.|Bayan|Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - November 6, 2021
Interview of Peer Mastwaar Qalandar Aj News U.K Urdu/Hindhi Islamic and Spritual Ahlebait Qalandar..
Interview of Peer Mastwaar Qalandar Aj News U.K Urdu/Hindhi Islamic and Spritual Ahlebait Qalandar.. - October 18, 2021
Mehfil Milad e Mehboobﷺ
Mehfil Milad e Mehboobﷺ Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar held at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef Chakwal, On this Occasion Hazrat Makdoom M - September 17, 2021
Monthly Khutaba Jumma(17-Sep-2021
Monthly Khutaba Jumma(17 September 2021) Undersupervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef, Chakwal - August 19, 2021
71st Urs Mubarak Syedna Imam Hussain A.S
71st Urs Mubarak Syedna Imam Hussain A.S Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Sharif, Murid, Chakwal.
- .September 29, 2024
Annual Spiritual Tour Europe
Highlights Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Annual Spiritual Tour To Europe. Seekers From Different Countires Comes and attend Self Realization Session Whi - .September 28, 2024
Umrah Highlights 2024
Highlights Of Performing Umrah And Presenting Salam To Beloved Prophet ﷺ By Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .November 6, 2022
29th Urs Syed Rasool Shah Khaki R.A
Highlights Of 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah R.A. Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held in Makhdoom P - .October 9, 2022
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March , Organized at Makhdoom Pur Sharief, lead by the respected Mahkdoom Syed Hussain Shah Khaki,, Syed Naqi Hassan Shah Khaki and Syed Qasim - .October 8, 2022
Mastwaar House Darbar Shareef Lightning
On The Occasion Of Milad Un Nabiﷺ Lightning On Mastwaar House Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef. - .October 7, 2022
Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺ Thoa Bahadur Chakwal
Highlights Of Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺUnder Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Toha Bahdar Chakwal On 07 October 2022
- August 8, 2022
Gham e Hussain A.S.|Bayan|Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar
Gham e Hussain A.S.|Bayan|Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - November 6, 2021
Interview of Peer Mastwaar Qalandar Aj News U.K Urdu/Hindhi Islamic and Spritual Ahlebait Qalandar..
Interview of Peer Mastwaar Qalandar Aj News U.K Urdu/Hindhi Islamic and Spritual Ahlebait Qalandar..
- October 18, 2021
Mehfil Milad e Mehboobﷺ
Mehfil Milad e Mehboobﷺ Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar held at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef Chakwal, On this Occasion Hazrat Makdoom M - September 17, 2021
Monthly Khutaba Jumma(17-Sep-2021
Monthly Khutaba Jumma(17 September 2021) Undersupervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef, Chakwal - August 19, 2021
71st Urs Mubarak Syedna Imam Hussain A.S
71st Urs Mubarak Syedna Imam Hussain A.S Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Sharif, Murid, Chakwal.
Activities and Events
- .September 29, 2024
Annual Spiritual Tour Europe
Highlights Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Annual Spiritual Tour To Europe. Seekers From Different Countires Comes and attend Self Realization Session Whi - .September 28, 2024
Umrah Highlights 2024
Highlights Of Performing Umrah And Presenting Salam To Beloved Prophet ﷺ By Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .November 6, 2022
29th Urs Syed Rasool Shah Khaki R.A
Highlights Of 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah R.A. Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held in Makhdoom P - .October 9, 2022
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March , Organized at Makhdoom Pur Sharief, lead by the respected Mahkdoom Syed Hussain Shah Khaki,, Syed Naqi Hassan Shah Khaki and Syed Qasim - .October 8, 2022
Mastwaar House Darbar Shareef Lightning
On The Occasion Of Milad Un Nabiﷺ Lightning On Mastwaar House Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef. - .October 7, 2022
Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺ Thoa Bahadur Chakwal
Highlights Of Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺUnder Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Toha Bahdar Chakwal On 07 October 2022
- .November 6, 2022
29th Urs Syed Rasool Shah Khaki R.A
Highlights Of 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah 29th Urs Mubarak Peer Khaki Shah R.A. Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held in Makhdoom P - .October 9, 2022
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March
Milad Un Nabiﷺ March , Organized at Makhdoom Pur Sharief, lead by the respected Mahkdoom Syed Hussain Shah Khaki,, Syed Naqi Hassan Shah Khaki and Syed Qasim - .October 8, 2022
Mastwaar House Darbar Shareef Lightning
On The Occasion Of Milad Un Nabiﷺ Lightning On Mastwaar House Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef. - .August 9, 2022
72nd Annual Urs Imam Hussain A.S.
Highlights Of 72nd Annual Urs Imam Hussain A.S. 2022 Under Supervision Of Mahkdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .August 9, 2022
Mehfil Shabina Dua 72nd Urs Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S
Mehfil Shabina Dua On 72nd Urs Mubarak Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S. at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef, Chakwal - .July 10, 2022
Eid Ul Adha 2022
Eid-Ul-Adha Prayer Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar At Darbar Makhdoom Pur Sharif Murid Chakwal
- .October 7, 2022
Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺ Thoa Bahadur Chakwal
Highlights Of Mehfil-e-Milad Mustafa ﷺUnder Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Toha Bahdar Chakwal On 07 October 2022 - .October 1, 2022
2nd Annual Spiritual Visit Lahore 2022
Highlights Of Annual Spiritual Visit To Lahore (29 September 2022-02 October 2022) of Spiritual Sitting Session Held Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mast - .September 30, 2022
Visit Shrine Data Ali Hajveri(R.A),Shah Muhammad Ghous Lahori RA
Visit Shrine Data Ali Hajveri(R.A),Shah Muhammad Ghous Lahori RA ( September 2022) Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Visit Shrines Of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh A - .September 10, 2022
Nationwide Milad Un Nabiﷺ Celebration
Highlights Of Muhabbat Mission International Nation Wide Milad Un Nabiﷺ Celebration - .July 23, 2022
Majlis e Mastwaar Islamabad
Majlis e Mastwaar Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held at Mastwaar House Islamabad - .June 18, 2022
Majlis e Mastwaar Islamabad
Majlis e Mastwaar Under Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Held at Mastwaar House Islamabad
- .September 29, 2024
Annual Spiritual Tour Europe
Highlights Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Annual Spiritual Tour To Europe. Seekers From Different Countires Comes and attend Self Realization Session Whi - .September 28, 2024
Umrah Highlights 2024
Highlights Of Performing Umrah And Presenting Salam To Beloved Prophet ﷺ By Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .September 12, 2022
Sufi Gathering At Luton(London)
Hosted event by Imran Mirza and family in Luton UK – special guest Makhdum Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .August 29, 2022
Meditation Gathering Manchester UK
Meditation Gathering in Manchester, UK under supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar. Its a interfaith spiritual gathering for inner self, soul healin - .August 26, 2022
Annual Visit Scotland (Uk)
Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar Annual Visit to Scotland Warm Welcome of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar on His Arrival To Scotland, On This Occasion Que - .August 24, 2022
Annual Visit Birmingham
On Annual Spiritual Visit Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar To Birmingham(UK) Mehfil Zikr Along With Question & Answer Session Was Arranged by Abdul Re
- .November 24, 2021
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day3)
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day3) Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .November 22, 2021
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day2)
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day2) Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .November 22, 2021
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day1)
International Spiritual Retreat 2021 (Day1) Under Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar - .November 29, 2020
International Spiritual Retreat 2020
On November 29, 2020 to December 02,2020 International Spiritual Retreat Held Under The Supervision Of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar At Darbar Makhdoompur - .January 29, 2020
Spiritual Retreat 2020 – Day 3
Day 3 of Spiritual Retreat Under the Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef, Chakwal on 29 January 2020. - .January 28, 2020
Spiritual Retreat 2020 – Day 2
Day 2 of Spiritual Retreat Under the Supervision of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar at Darbar Makhdoom Pur Shareef, Chakwal on 28 January 2020.
Muhabbat Mission International
Reviews of visitors and disciples!
It is the recognition of the truth and realisation of true oneness. Our Murshid teaches us the true meaning of love through tassawuf and elimination of nafs. Great mission, mashallah~

I just love it....This is amazing.it is very helpful for me and for others too for their spirits's training.....we can improve our spirits and our life by learn spirtual lessons from this "Gentle Man"....

Muhabbat Mission International is message of love and peace for humanity. Muhabbat Mission International conveys real message of Islam💯