محبت مشن انٹرنیشنل

Mission of

Makhdoom Mahmood
Mastwaar Qalandar

All praise is due to Allah Almighty, who generously bestows His blessings beyond our estimates. And abundant blessings and peace be upon the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who showers mercy beyond our estimates.

Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar thought that in this time of conflict when there is darkness of sectarianism everywhere, and the hearts are filled with misguided beliefs, and vanity is celebrated. 

If someone is worldly, they do not work with sincerity in any field of the world. If someone claims knowledge, they lack action. If someone claims spirituality, they are deviated from the path. If someone claims to serve humanity, they do not even understand the pain.
The aim, whether it is related to the world, religion, or spirituality, is lost in confusion and has lost its original purpose. The era of sectarianism is widespread, and in this way, the enemies of Islam are succeeding in their wicked intentions. Through sectarianism, all Muslims who are brothers to each other are being separated.

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Muhabbat mission the mission that’s lead by Our beloved Spiritual Master Known all around the world as MASTWAAR QALLANDAR. His mission is to spread love to all mankind. He has truly given us the true meaning of Divine love and has enlightened our hearts with the dhikr that purifies our souls. and removes hatred jealousy greed lust regardless our Colour, Class, Race language and Religion.

It is the recognition of the truth and realisation of true oneness. Our Murshid teaches us the true meaning of love through tassawuf and elimination of nafs. Great mission, mashallah~

- Maria Taj

I just love it....This is amazing.it is very helpful for me and for others too for their spirits's training.....we can improve our spirits and our life by learn spirtual lessons from this "Gentle Man"....

- Muskan Meer

Muhabbat Mission International is message of love and peace for humanity. Muhabbat Mission International conveys real message of Islam💯

- Saad Malik