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3-Days Annual International Spiritual Retreat
30th October – 1st November 2023
What is
3-Days Annual International Spiritual Retreat
For the next 3 days (from 30th October – 1st November 2023), on the event of Annual International Spiritual Retreat, the spiritual master, Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar will be live after Isha prayers to unfold the secrets of mysticism to the spiritual seekers attending the events physically and globally. Special adhkaar like Khatm-e-Khwajgan and other dhikr form Qadriya Qalandariya order are also practiced. Other students(mureeds) from all over the world also express their experience and feelings about this event, their and especially Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar including ladies and gents.
Spiritual Seekers Observing 3-Days Fasting
During the 3-days of this spiritual retreat, spiritual seekers observe fasting and send their days and night in seclusion dedicatedly engaged in prayers, adhkaar and contemplation. According to the capability of individual student attending this event in seclusion, Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar specifically assigns a variety of adhkaar either in form of Ayahs from Quran or the Holy Names of ALLAH as a Wazifa or tasbih (reciting something in a specific number and method).
Remembrance of ALLAH
Consequently, the divine disciples are contemplating and consciously remembering ALLAH in various forms like fasting, prayers, adhkaar, wazaif and attending the daily night sitting of Makhdoom Mahmood Mastwaar Qalandar. They spend their days and night dedicated to their inner selves to make their conscience alive with the Divine Presence.
3-Days Annual International Spiritual Retreat 2022
Quote of the Day
“طمع اور حرص کا علم وہ ہے جس کے سبب شیطان انسان کو گمراہ کرتا ہے نفس کو گمراہ کرتا ہے اور اس کے سبب انسان بے دین ہوتا ہے۔”
سید رسول شاہ خاکیؒ
Publication Book
Tazkara Khaki in English
Tazkara Khaki in Urdu
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